Setting the scene
The village of Montmartre wasn’t attached to Paris until 1860; it was very large and not very middle-class!
In 1871, the Paris Commune was born here, only to be bloodily suppressed in Belleville. These historical events mark the attachment in our collective imagination to a singular, popular, village-like place….
From the “boulevard du vice” in Pigalle (71 meters above sea level) to the sacred Saint Pierre in Montmartre (130.53 meters, the highest point in Paris), the Place des Abbesses has managed to retain a certain authenticity.
This is precisely where our workshop will take place, under the art deco church of Saint Jean de Montmartre, in reinforced cement, red brick and Neo-Byzantine decor at the foot of this mythical square, (a little folklorized) but still surrounded by cafés, former estaminets, where painters, poets and musicians had a right to live.
Your participation will undoubtedly recreate the bohemian spirit of Montmartre….

Le quartier est très bien désservi par les transports :
Ligne 2: Place de Clichy, Blanche, Pigalle, Anvers.
Ligne 12 Pigalle, Abbesses,
Ligne13: Place de Clichy.
Les lignes de bus RATP 30, 31, 54, 67, 74, 80, 85, 95 traversent également le secteur1, ainsi que la ligne 40 (autrefois Montmartrobus), la seule à circuler sur la butte Montmartre.
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